In spite of the fact that all learning institutions offering post-graduate studies have policies and procedures for the conduct of academic research, students often find it difficult to figure out how the elements of the qualitative research report fit together. This book explains most, if not all, the intricacies of writing a qualitative research report on master’s and doctoral level. The following topics are discussed and explained:
- The Foundation of Qualitative Research.
- The Research Proposal.
- Planning a Research Report.
- The Research Paradigms.
- The Elements of Qualitative Research – Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology.
- Qualitative Data Collection.
- Data Analysis.
- Reviewing the Research Report.
Dr J.P. Nel, MBL, D. Com (HRM), D. Phil (LPC). Dr J.P. Nel is the owner of Mentornet (Pty) Ltd and Managing Director of Intgrty Publishing (Pty) Ltd. He completed his first doctoral degree in 1993 and his second in 2008. His first thesis dealt with Strategic HR Management of Change and his second with A Strategic Approach to Quality Assurance in Occupationally-directed Education, Training and Development in South Africa. Both degrees were obtained from the University of Johannesburg.
Dr Nel is passionate about strategic management and education and training. To date he has written and published twelve books on topics such as assessment, educational research, quality assurance in education, training and development, learning programme design and development, project management, entrepreneurship and leadership.
Author: Dr. J.P. Nel
Date Published: 2019-08-23
ISBN: 978-0-6399589-4-1 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-6399589-5-8 (e-book)
Published By: iNtgrty
Number of Pages: 589