Book Published: Write, talk and teach

Write, talk and teach is a “how to” handbook. It discusses the basics of business communication and the importance of oral communication, and communication theories and strategies. This includes how to write and present, how to set an agenda and write minutes, how to communicate and work in groups, and how to use language to make sense of occupational and vocational learning.

The content is aimed at an introductory level and is not loaded with academic information. Its aim is to be a useful tool to develop language skills which will enable you to communicate effectively in different contexts and environments.


Dr F. Schutte, DBL: PhD; DTh; DLit et Phil

Flip Schutte holds a D Litt et Phil from UNISA, a PhD from the University of Pretoria and a DBL from the UNISA Business School. He is author of a number of books, scholarly journal articles, blogs and popular magazine articles. He is doing fulltime curriculum development for Centurion Academy and he is a post-doctorate research associate at the Gordon Institute for Business Science. He is also a passionate leadership consultant and business coach.

Author: Flip Schutte

Date Published: 2019-05-15

ISBN: 978-0-6399589-2-7 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-6399589-3-4 (e-book)

Published By: iNtgrty

Number of Pages: 272


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Book Published: Effective Project Planning and Management

All stakeholders in the world of projects, such as project managers, supervisors, team leaders, contractors and suppliers will benefit from this book. It not only gives insight into the industry of running and managing projects, but it introduces the reader also to the tools necessary to plan, tender and prepare for projects. Work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, network diagram and how to compile and lead a winning team are just some of the essential skills necessary to plan and manage successful projects. Effective project planning and management is a sine qua non for every role-player in the industry.

Dr F. Schutte, DBL: PhD; DTh; DLit et Phil Flip Schutte held a PhD from the University of Pretoria and a Doctorate in Business Leadership from UNISA’s Business School (SBL). He lectures Project Management since 2004 and he is a post-doctorate research associate at the Gordon Institute for Business Science. He is also a passionate leadership consultant and business coach.

Author: Flip Schutte

Date Published: 2018-07-20

ISBN: 978-0-6399589-0-3 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-6399589-1-0 (e-book)

Published By: iNtgrty

Number of Pages: 236


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Book Published: The First Battle of El Alamein 1 – 30 JULY 1942

The first battle of El Alamein book is now available. About this book:

The battle of El Alamein calls to memory the victory of the British 8th Army under command of Lieutenant General B.L. Montgomery over that of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Panzerarmee Afrika during October to November 1942. This battle was decisive, but the eventual outcome was not in doubt as the contribution of American industrial power by that time tilted the balance of power in favour of their British ally, as was the case in August 1942 (battle of Alam Halfa) when Rommel desperately tried for a final time to break through to Cairo and the Suez Canal.

The situation in June to July 1942 is contrasted with the above-named scenario when a demoralised 8th Army retreated from Gazala after being defeated by Rommel’s forces. The skirmishes were initially not named a battle, but as eventually historians realised that what is now known as the 1st battle of El Alamein was the most significant of the three battles during 1942.

All that was needed was that Rommel’s forces had to break through the scattered cluster of British forces near the coast, especially as the 1st British Armoured Division only arrived during the afternoon of 1 July from Mersa Matruh. Thus, the 1st South African Infantry Division with the 18th Indian Brigade with inexperienced troops, faced the might of the German panzers. If Rommel could bypass the South Africans and Indians and reach the open terrain between the station and Alexandria he, master of mobile warfare, would outmanoeuvre the British and capture Alexandria and Cairo and eventually even the Persian Gulf oil fields, knocking the British Empire out of the war.

Rommel’s desperate efforts from 1 to 3 and again on 13 July failed, but the South Africans were in the eye of the firestorm. Gradually the battle developed into a process of attrition which favoured the British. The British commander, general C.J.E. Auchinleck eventually took the offensive, but British doctrine and experience did not yet lend it to the conduct of mobile warfare. Thus, Rommel’s forces were not destroyed. Auchinleck did however, lay the foundation for the British victories of Alam Halfa and the 2nd battle of El Alamein. The events in the battle during the period 1 – 30 July and the South African perspective is evaluated in this publication as a contribution to a better understanding of the North African campaign during the 2nd World War.

Colonel (Rtd.) Christiaan James Jacobs served for 41 years in the South African Defence National Defence Force. He attended as a junior armoured officer in the Namibian border war and from 1983 – 1989 as a lecturer in Military History at the Military Academy in Saldanha. He also served as the resident Military Historian at the South African Army College from 1997 to 2005 and at the South African National War College in Pretoria, till his retirement in 2014.

He has written several articles for scientific journals and is co-author of the book: Edwards, J. (ed.), El Alamein and the struggle for North Africa, published by the American University in Cairo Press in 2012. He holds a MA (Cum Laude) in History from Stellenbosch (1988). In 1994 he obtained his PHD in History from the University of the Free State.

Author: James Jacobs

Date Published: 2017-12-22

ISBN: 978-0-620-78416-0 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-78417-7 (e-book)

Published By: iNtgrty

Number of Pages: 261


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Book Published: KOPERMAAN Liefdesgedigte


Lynn is gebore op 10 Maart 1956 in die ou Militêre Hospitaal in Voortrekkerhoogte wat nou bekend staan as Thaba Tshwane. Sy het skool gegaan op Valhalla Laerskool en Voortekkerhoogtese Hoërskool.

Na matriek het Lynn by die weermag aangesluit en by die dieselfde ou Militêre Hospitaal opleiding gedoen as verpleegster. In Januarie 1977 het sy die kwalifikasie van Algemene Geregistreerde Verpleegster behaal sowel as komissie as ‘n offisier in die destydse SAW (Suid Afrikaanse Weermag). Hierna het sy haarself as psigiatriese verpleegkundige sowel as vroedvrou gekwalifiseer.

Vanaf 1980, nadat sy haar pos as verpleeg-offisier bedank het, het sy vir 10 jaar haar rol as eggenote en moeder van drie kinders vervul.

In 1990 is Lynn deeltyds by die Instituut vir Lugvaartgeneeskunde (ILG) begin werk en in 1991 aangesluit as siviele verpleegkundige, en is opgelei in Lugvaartgeneeskunde. In 2003 het sy weer by die SANW Staande Mag aangesluit en is aangestel as ‘n kaptein. Lynn het by ILG gewerk tot en met haar aftrede in 2016.

Lynn het in matriek begin dig. Danksy Afrikaanse en Engelse letterkunde op skool het Lynn ‘n belangstelling en waardering vir taal ontwikkel.

Author: Lynn Greyling

Date Published: 2018-04-03

ISBN: 978-0-620-72984-0 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-72985-7 (e-book)

Published By: iNtgrty

Number of Pages: 102


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Book Published: The Art and Science of Assessing Student Performance


The Art and Science of Assessing Student Performance book is now available. About this book:

Conducting assessment is not just a science, but also an art. Different from the first edition of this book the emphasis in this second edition falls on the following:

  • Alignment of assessment procedures with international standards and practices.
  • More emphasis on formative assessment, feedback and workplace assessment as learning tools.
  • The promotion of cooperation between learning institutions, employers and students.

The following topics are covered:

  • A discussion of the concept assessment.
  • Preparing for assessment.
  • Conducting assessment.
  • Providing feedback on assessment.
  • Reviewing assessment instruments and procedures.

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2016-05-31

ISBN: 978-0-620-69801-6 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-69802-3 (e-book)

Published By: iNtgrty

Number of Pages: 225


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Book Published: A Holistic Approach to the Recognition of Prior Learning

2014_10_16 A Holistic Approach to the Recognition of Prior Learning Book WEB

The A Holistic Approach to the Recognition of Prior Learning book is now available. About this book:

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is currently enjoying much more international attention than a decade ago. People increasingly realise that RPL is a powerful tool with which to encourage  people to become involved in lifelong learning. Learning institutions now realise that learning does not only take place in a formal setting, but also when people interact socially and when people learn in an informal setting.

Topics covered include:

  • A discussion on the nature and focus of RPL.
  • The value of RPL for employer organizations, learning institutions,
    communities and the individual.
  • A holistic approach to RPL.
  • The significance of legislation for RPL.
  • RPL procedures.
  • Administration of RPL.The design principles of assessment.

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2014-11-17

ISBN: 978-0-620-63007-8 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-63008-5 (e-book)

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 337


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Book Published: Coaching and Mentoring

2014_10_07 Coaching and Mentoring Book WEB

The Coaching and Mentoring book is now available. About this book:

Coaching and mentoring are often used as organisational interventions in order to improve performance, foster working relationships, and develop employees (and learners). However, there are many aspects one may not have considered before embarking on the role of a coach or mentor. For example, what exactly is the difference between coaching and mentoring? This book aims to delve into the roles of coach and mentor, provide substantial guidance on meeting learners’ needs, and, at the same time, meeting organisational requirements of quality.

Topics covered include:

  • Performance measurement
  • Goal setting
  • Special needs and learning barriers
  • Life-long learning
  • Feedback
  • Record keeping
  • Program evaluation

Author: Menne, B.M.

Date Published: 2014-10-31

ISBN: 978-0-620-63005-4 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-63006-1 (e-book)

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 214


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Book Published: Allegaartjie

2014_07 Allegaartjie Book WEB

The Allegaartjie book is now available. About this book:

Rozet neem mens op ‘n baie persoonlike en emosionele reis met woorde wat reg uit haar hart kom. Jy kan nie anders as om meegevoer te word deur haar ervarings met die liefde en die lewe nie –  wat soms pynlik was. Jy lees van seerkry en teleurstelling. En haar worsteling met die diep donkerte waarin depressie haar eens toegegooi het in gedigte soos “ Middernagson”, “Stille Hoop” en “Die skilder”. Maar daar is ook die mooi, die hoop en die vasbyt in “Jy is vir my mooi”, “Vreugde” en “Jy’t sterre in jou hand gehou”. Ons lees van haar hart se punt en sielsgenoot, haar “Chocolate  Point” Siamese kat in “Guinivey” en “Welkom tuis!”. Asook haar hartland, soos sy dit noem, “St. Lucia” waarheen sy nog elke jaar terugkeer.

Author: van Niekerk, R.

Date Published: 2014-07-10

ISBN: 978-0-620-61968-4 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-61969-1 (e-book)

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 117


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Book Published: The Homework-Assistant: Assist and Support Learners to Manage their Learning Experiences

2013_08 The_Homework_Assistant Book WEB

he Homework-Assistant book is now available. About this book:

School children of any age often encounter problems with doing their homework and teachers do not always have time to provide them with individualised guidance and support. To teach is to learn twice, and making older children or even the unemployed youth responsible for assisting pupils with their homework eases the guidance and support burden on the teachers, help the children to master their school work and enhances the homework assistant’s own development.

Topics covered include:

  • Source and maintain information to assist and support learners
  • The importance of knowledge in learning
  • Provide assistance and support to learners
  • Maintain records of assistance and support provided
  • Review support services

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 117865

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2013-09-30

ISBN: 978-0-620-58167-7

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 139


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Book Published: The Complete Moderator’s Handbook

2013_03 The Complete Moderators Handbook Book WEB

The Complete Moderator’s Handbook book is now available. About this book:

Moderation of assessment is the obvious way in which to ensure that students receive the exam results that they deserve after the actual process of assessing student performance. In addition, moderation plays an important role in the improvement of education and training through proper feedback. This book places substantial emphasis on the importance of giving feedback as it applies to higher, vocational and occupational education and training. Topics covered include:

  • Assessment of Student Performance
  • Planning and Preparing for Moderation
  • Conducting Moderation
  • Management and Administration of Moderation
  • Verifying Moderation of Assessment
  • Moderation and Verification Statistics

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 115759

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2013-04-20

ISBN: 978-0-620-56320-8

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 256


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