The Leadership in Quality Assurance of ETD book is now available. About this book:
The establishment of a quality culture and a comprehensive and operational quality system requires leaders who care about quality; have an international orientation regarding quality; embed the quality aims in the vision, mission and strategic goals of the institution; are able to motivate and inspire people in the organisation to create a balanced top-down/bottom-up approach to quality, and who base the institutional quality development, improvement and enhancement on the values and culture of the institution. This book is about how leaders in quality assurance bodies, as well as learning institutions, can ensure that quality assurance is conducted in an effective and efficient manner. Topics covered include:
- How leadership should be approached in quality assurance.
- Ensuring co-operation in quality assurance.
- The ability to manage quality.
- Management structures for quality assurance.
- An Apex Quality Assurance Body.
Related Unit Standard Number(s): 15191, 123400
Author: Nel, J.P.
Date Published: 2012-02-15
ISBN: 978-0-620-52656-2
Published By: Mentornet
Number of Pages: 230