Requirements for Quality Assurance in Education, Training and Development

UNIVHAMBURGIt is interesting to see how different countries or groups of countries adopt different strategies to ensure good quality education, training and development (ETD). Some seem to achieve remarkable success while others just don’t seem to make it, or care. Then there are those where political agendas ruin the ETD system of the country. South Africa currently faces immense obstacles of which many of you are probably aware. In this article I will suggest a strategic approach that should help us perform better. Others might be interested in my suggestions even if only to feel good about how well ETD is conducted in their countries.

To begin with, quality assurance should rest on a strategy that is articulated to the needs and context of the country. This should start with a strategy for early childhood development and gradually progress to youth development and adult education and training. All of this should fit into, or form part strategies of what one can call a community development strategy. Development should start at an early age already and the stronger the foundation is the better will the end-result be.

Coherence is one of the most important prerequisites for an integrated national strategy for quality assurance. Quality assurance bodies and learning institutions on all levels should have the same frame of reference. The worst possible situation is where different quality assurance bodies are in competition with one another and where individuals in quality assurance bodies set their own quality criteria without consulting anybody and without there being anybody to monitor and control the process. Coherence can be achieved by developing a national quality framework which is supported by lower level strategies right down to the individual learning institutions.

A strategic approach to quality assurance is served best if top-level quality assurance bodies initiate the process by formulating policies and procedures to be supported by lower level quality assurance bodies in a chain reaction that ends at the ETD provider level. This does not mean that higher level quality assurance bodies are exclusively involved in strategy formulation, while lower level quality assurance bodies and ETD providers are exclusively involved in the implementation of strategies. There is, however, a shift in emphasis with higher level role players being more involved in strategy formulation while lower level role-players are more involved in the implementation of strategies.

ETD strategic planning should support human resources development and employment strategies on all levels. This can be achieved if ETD strategies are demand-led on national and industry levels. The quality assurance system should be aligned with the overall strategic goals of the country as well as the industry. This is achieved by determining skills needs at least in cooperation with the industry, i.e. employers if they don’t specify their skills needs, and transforming such skills needs to human resources development strategic objectives, which are integrated with the overall strategic objectives of the organisation.

Government should not dictate skills needs because it can easily lead to the manipulation of the ETD system to achieve political goals. The industry should decide what their scarce and critical skills needs are and government should have bodies, a system and a budget in place to satisfy the needs. Skills needs are the demand for ETD that the industry brings to the attention of learning institutions either directly or via quality assurance bodies. Demand-led quality assurance is a good example of a strategic system where the education and training strategy supports the strategy for the economic growth of a country. It normally aims at transforming the education and training system so that it offers the highest quality and value, and equips young people and adults for employability and personal fulfilment.

A demand-led quality assurance strategy means finding an optimum skills mix to maximise economic growth, productivity and social justice and to consider the policy implications of achieving the level of change required. Government policy and the resulting legislation can easily become an obstacle in the way of demand-led education and training. In their book entitled How South Africa Works (Pan Macmillan South Africa 215: 88) Jeffrey Herbst and Greg Mills wrote that organised labour and the government strategies that do not support skills development and employment can lead to small businesses doing everything in their power not to employ people, while big business invests offshore to protect themselves against uncertainties.

Implementation is the process by means of which the quality assurance strategy is put into practice. It is essential to establish and uphold key principles that underpin the implementation of the planned actions in order to ensure effectiveness in achieving the goals and objectives which have been planned. Such coherence may be achieved in many ways. Funding incentives, the provision of procedural guidelines at the local level, building the capacity of key players on quality issues through ETD, or a combination of internal quality systems at provider level with external inspections, for example, may be used.

In closing, the following are requirements for a quality assurance in ETD:

  1. A system of mutually-supportive quality assurance strategies at government, provincial or regional, quality assurance body and ETD provider level.
  2. Coherence in terms of standards and quality criteria on all levels.
  3. Employers that bring scarce and critical skills needs to the attention of government.
  4. A government that supports the provision of quality ETD rather than to misuse ETD to achieve political objectives.
  5. A system of monitoring and control to prevent individuals and bodies from misusing quality assurance for purposes other than quality ETD.
  6. Legislation that promotes and supports quality ETD.
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Book Published: A Holistic Approach to the Recognition of Prior Learning

2014_10_16 A Holistic Approach to the Recognition of Prior Learning Book WEB

The A Holistic Approach to the Recognition of Prior Learning book is now available. About this book:

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is currently enjoying much more international attention than a decade ago. People increasingly realise that RPL is a powerful tool with which to encourage  people to become involved in lifelong learning. Learning institutions now realise that learning does not only take place in a formal setting, but also when people interact socially and when people learn in an informal setting.

Topics covered include:

  • A discussion on the nature and focus of RPL.
  • The value of RPL for employer organizations, learning institutions,
    communities and the individual.
  • A holistic approach to RPL.
  • The significance of legislation for RPL.
  • RPL procedures.
  • Administration of RPL.The design principles of assessment.

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2014-11-17

ISBN: 978-0-620-63007-8 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-63008-5 (e-book)

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 337


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Book Published: Coaching and Mentoring

2014_10_07 Coaching and Mentoring Book WEB

The Coaching and Mentoring book is now available. About this book:

Coaching and mentoring are often used as organisational interventions in order to improve performance, foster working relationships, and develop employees (and learners). However, there are many aspects one may not have considered before embarking on the role of a coach or mentor. For example, what exactly is the difference between coaching and mentoring? This book aims to delve into the roles of coach and mentor, provide substantial guidance on meeting learners’ needs, and, at the same time, meeting organisational requirements of quality.

Topics covered include:

  • Performance measurement
  • Goal setting
  • Special needs and learning barriers
  • Life-long learning
  • Feedback
  • Record keeping
  • Program evaluation

Author: Menne, B.M.

Date Published: 2014-10-31

ISBN: 978-0-620-63005-4 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-63006-1 (e-book)

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 214


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Book Published: Allegaartjie

2014_07 Allegaartjie Book WEB

The Allegaartjie book is now available. About this book:

Rozet neem mens op ‘n baie persoonlike en emosionele reis met woorde wat reg uit haar hart kom. Jy kan nie anders as om meegevoer te word deur haar ervarings met die liefde en die lewe nie –  wat soms pynlik was. Jy lees van seerkry en teleurstelling. En haar worsteling met die diep donkerte waarin depressie haar eens toegegooi het in gedigte soos “ Middernagson”, “Stille Hoop” en “Die skilder”. Maar daar is ook die mooi, die hoop en die vasbyt in “Jy is vir my mooi”, “Vreugde” en “Jy’t sterre in jou hand gehou”. Ons lees van haar hart se punt en sielsgenoot, haar “Chocolate  Point” Siamese kat in “Guinivey” en “Welkom tuis!”. Asook haar hartland, soos sy dit noem, “St. Lucia” waarheen sy nog elke jaar terugkeer.

Author: van Niekerk, R.

Date Published: 2014-07-10

ISBN: 978-0-620-61968-4 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-620-61969-1 (e-book)

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 117


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Book Published: The Homework-Assistant: Assist and Support Learners to Manage their Learning Experiences

2013_08 The_Homework_Assistant Book WEB

he Homework-Assistant book is now available. About this book:

School children of any age often encounter problems with doing their homework and teachers do not always have time to provide them with individualised guidance and support. To teach is to learn twice, and making older children or even the unemployed youth responsible for assisting pupils with their homework eases the guidance and support burden on the teachers, help the children to master their school work and enhances the homework assistant’s own development.

Topics covered include:

  • Source and maintain information to assist and support learners
  • The importance of knowledge in learning
  • Provide assistance and support to learners
  • Maintain records of assistance and support provided
  • Review support services

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 117865

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2013-09-30

ISBN: 978-0-620-58167-7

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 139


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Book Published: The Complete Moderator’s Handbook

2013_03 The Complete Moderators Handbook Book WEB

The Complete Moderator’s Handbook book is now available. About this book:

Moderation of assessment is the obvious way in which to ensure that students receive the exam results that they deserve after the actual process of assessing student performance. In addition, moderation plays an important role in the improvement of education and training through proper feedback. This book places substantial emphasis on the importance of giving feedback as it applies to higher, vocational and occupational education and training. Topics covered include:

  • Assessment of Student Performance
  • Planning and Preparing for Moderation
  • Conducting Moderation
  • Management and Administration of Moderation
  • Verifying Moderation of Assessment
  • Moderation and Verification Statistics

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 115759

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2013-04-20

ISBN: 978-0-620-56320-8

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 256


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Book Published: Leadership in Quality Assurance of ETD

02_12 Leadership in Quality Assurance of ETD WEB

The Leadership in Quality Assurance of ETD book is now available. About this book:

The establishment of a quality culture and a comprehensive and operational quality system requires leaders who care about quality; have an international orientation regarding quality; embed the quality aims in the vision, mission and strategic goals of the institution; are able to motivate and inspire people in the organisation to create a balanced top-down/bottom-up approach to quality, and who base the institutional quality development, improvement and enhancement on the values and culture of the institution. This book is about how leaders in quality assurance bodies, as well as learning institutions, can ensure that quality assurance is conducted in an effective and efficient manner. Topics covered include:

  • How leadership should be approached in quality assurance.
  • Ensuring co-operation in quality assurance.
  • The ability to manage quality.
  • Management structures for quality assurance.
  • An Apex Quality Assurance Body.

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 15191, 123400

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2012-02-15

ISBN: 978-0-620-52656-2

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 230


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Book Published: Managing Assessment of Student Performance

04_11 Manage Assessment of Student Performance WEB

The Managing Assessment of Student Performance book is now available. About this book:

Like any project, the assessment of student performance needs to be planned, monitored and controlled and the bigger the project, the more will it be necessary to involve a number of role players, which implies that certain tasks will need to be delegated. The process of managing the assessment of student performance is discussed in this book. The book focuses on three salient tools with which assessment is managed, namely policies, procedures and assessment plans. It is also discussed how assessment is controlled by maintaining information on the assessment, some of which can be used to review the assessment instruments as well as the assessment policies and procedures. Topics covered include:

  • Assessment policies and procedures.
  • Developing an assessment plan.
  • Developing guidelines for the implementation of assessment policies and procedures.
  • Maintaining information on assessment.

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 263982

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2012-05-25

ISBN: 978-0-620-50227-6

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 179


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Book Published: The Art and Science of Assessing Student Performance

03_11 The Art and Science of Assessing Student Performance WEB

The Art and Science of Assessing Student Performance book is now available. About this book:

Conducting assessment is not just a science, but also an art. One can probably argue that just being well-trained in the processes of conducting assessment is not enough – professional assessment requires the right attitude as well, and attitude is the product of education, training, experience and personality. This book covers the intricacies of conducting assessment in considerable detail, but also caters for the affective domain. The attitude with which assessment is conducted receives its fair share of attention as well. Topics covered include:

  • The nature, concepts and approaches to assessment.
  • How to prepare for assessment.
  • How to conduct assessment.
  • How to give feedback on assessment.
  • How to review assessment instruments.

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 115753

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2011-03-30

ISBN: 978-0-620-49822-7

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 191

No longer in print, 2nd edition available.

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Book Published: Design and Develop Assessment Instruments

02_11 Design and Develop Assessment Insturments WEB

The Design and Develop Assessment Instruments book is now available. About this book:

The manner in which assessment instruments are designed and developed can have a direct impact on the performance of the students who write the examinations or do the practical assignments. Examination papers that are poorly designed and developed can cause students to fail. Students must be given a fair chance of achieving success in their examinations. We must ensure that students who work hard and know their work will succeed. Students must only fail if they do not know and understand the course content and not because of any external factors, such as poorly designed and developed assessment instruments. This book provides guidelines on how to design and develop assessment instruments that will facilitate fair assessment.

Topics covered include:

  • The design principles of assessment.
  • Concepts in design.
  • Developing assessment activities.
  • Developing subjective assessment methods.
  • Developing objective assessment methods.
  • Evaluating assessment design and development.

Related Unit Standard Number(s): 115755

Author: Nel, J.P.

Date Published: 2011-02-28

ISBN: 978-0-620-49790-9

Published By: Mentornet

Number of Pages: 254


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