Written by Dr. Hannes Nel
Hello, I am Hannes Nel and I will discuss quantitative data collection methods in this video.
It is not possible to deal with all the intricacies and formula that natural scientists use to process data for research purposes.
Most, if not all, dedicated computer programmes use five basic calculations to analyse data, namely the mean, standard deviation, regression analysis, sample size determination and hypothesis testing.
It would not be possible to discuss even a fraction of all the computer programmes that are available for data analysis.
And I do not think there are many researchers who know and use many such software.
The data collection methods that I discuss can also be used with qualitative research.
But then the data will be processed and analysed without making use of statistics.
Or the statistical analysis will be simple enough so that dedicated computer software will not be needed.
Quantitative research deals with statistical and other numerical data collection methods and requires the processing of data which can require the use of dedicated computer software. Structured observation, questionnaires, paper and pencil tests, and alternative assessment are some of the more popular and simple quantitative data collection methods which can be used in combination with qualitative research.
Structured observation. In structured observation the researcher directly observes some phenomenon, and then systematically records the resulting observations. The observer doing research on, for example, guidance and support provided to students can record how many times students ask questions, how long the lecturer took to respond to the questions, etc. It is used to record predetermined categories of behaviour.
Questionnaires. Questionnaires encompass a variety of instruments in which the subject responds to written questions to elicit reactions, beliefs, and attitudes. You choose or construct a set of appropriate questions and ask the subjects to answer them, usually in a form that asks the subject to check the response. This is a common technique for collecting data in most research methods, and most survey research uses questionnaires.
Questionnaires are not necessarily easier than other techniques and should be employed carefully. Even so, questionnaires are one of the most widely used qualitative research techniques. The idea of formulating precise written questions, for those opinions or experiences you are interested in, seems an obvious method to use. However, if the questionnaire is not correctly developed you might not obtain the data that you need or people might not respond to it and you might need to start all over again.
There are several ways in which questionnaires can be administered. They can be sent by post to the intended respondents, who are then expected to complete and return them. They can be administered over the telephone or face to face. You can personally deliver them or have them delivered and collect them once they have been completed. You can also ‘facilitate’ the process of completing the questionnaires so that you can answer questions and collect the completed questionnaires afterwards. You can also send and receive them by email. Questionnaires can also be placed on a web site where people can complete them voluntarily.
Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. Face-to-face surveys may get a better response rate, but are more time consuming for you as the researcher. Postal and email surveys are likely to have lower response rates, and possibly poorer answers because the respondent has no one available to answer any queries; but they may allow a larger number of people to be surveyed.
The following are examples of the nine basic question types that you can use in your questionnaire:
1. Quantity or information: How many years’ experience do you have in conducting assessment of learner performance? ……………………………….
2. Category: In what capacity are you involved in facilitating learning?
3. List or multiple-choice: Do you regard workplace-learning as any of the following?
A waste of time
Not learning at all
It improves productivity
It promotes lifelong learning
Other – please specify: ……………………………………………………………………..
4. Scale: How important is quality assurance for university education?
Very important
Not sure
Not very important
A waste of time
5. Ranking: What do you see as the main purpose of your studies? Please rank the following starting with 6 for the most important to 1 for the least important.
Personal development
Subject interest
Career advancement
Intellectual stimulation
Social interaction
Other – please specify: ………………………………………………………………….
6. Complex grid or table: How would you rank the benefits of your studies for each of the following? Please rank each item.
Positive Neutral Negative Very negative
For you
For your family
For your employer
For the country
For your friends
7. Open-ended questions: Please give me your opinion of the social life at your university in one short paragraph.
8. Closed-ended questions: Do you think the lecturers who teach you are sufficiently qualified? (The answer should only be “yes” or “no”.)
9. A combination of question types. You can, for example, ask respondents for their opinion on an issue, inviting a choice between either “yes” or “no”, followed by a multiple-choice question in which options to choose from are given. Here is an example:
Question 1: Do you think the lecturers (at the university where you study) provides enough guidance and support to students? (yes or no)
Question 2: How can the guidance and support provided to students be improved?
- Appoint more suitably qualified psychologists.
- Schedule special classes where students may ask questions on study problems that they encounter.
- Insist that lecturers allow each student a one-hour private appointment per month to discuss personal study challenges.
- Task a post-graduate student to do research on student guidance and support at the university.
Paper and pencil tests. In a paper and pencil test the respondent is asked a series of questions that are objectively scored. Typical items include multiple-choice, matching item, true-false, and completion. The resulting test scores are used as data. Because these types of tests are well established and have strong technical qualities, they are often used in educational research as a measure of student performance.
Alternative assessment. Alternative assessments are measures of performance that require the demonstration of a skill or proficiency by having the respondent create, produce, or do something. One type of alternative assessment is performance-based, such as making a speech, writing a paper, making a musical presentation, demonstrations, athletic performance, and other projects. Portfolios constitute another type of alternative assessment. Many alternative assessments are authentic, reflecting real-life problems and contexts. While alternative assessments have become popular in recent years, as a technique to use in research these approaches are fraught with technical difficulties. This is primarily because of the subjective nature of the scoring of the performance or product.
Structured observation entails observing a phenomenon.
Relevant observations are systematically recorded.
Conclusions can be made from recorded observations.
Questionnaires can be used to collect responses to written questions.
Questionnaires can be distributed by post, electronically or be delivered to the members of the target group for the research.
Face-to-face surveys mostly achieve better response rates than surveys by post or electronically.
There are nine basic question types that you can use in questionnaires. They are:
- Quantity or information.
- Categories.
- List or multiple-choice.
- Scale.
- Ranking.
- Complex grid or table.
- Open-ended questions.
- Closed-ended questions.
- A combination of question types.
In a paper and pencil test the respondent is asked a series of questions that are objectively scored.
Alternative assessments evaluate the demonstration of skills or proficiency.